Lost grey cat

 Lost Cats /

  • Listing ID: 33350
  • Your Cat's Name: Kitty
  • Sex: Female
  • Age: 9
  • Weight: Chunky
  • Breed: Short hair
  • Color(s): Grey, tan, lighter belly, some white on the chin, dark nose
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Describe Collar & Tags if any: No collar but she is microchipped!
  • Other Distinguishing Features or Notes: She is a bit overweight, low hanging belly, loves food and pets!
  • Where Was Cat Lost (nearest intersection): Loma vista and ashwood
  • City Where Your Cat Was Lost: Ventura
  • When Was Cat Lost (the date your cat went missing): May 25th
  • Your Name: Grace Miller
  • Daytime Phone: 8055120455
  • Email Address: gracelyn_miller@icloud.com