Cat Safety & Recovery Tips

Do you have helpful tips to share? Please email the information to, thank you!

Summer Heat Safety offers excellent heat safety tips here (click or tap to open the article in a new window.) Here is a summary of signs of heat stroke, dehydration, and paw pad burns, and what to do: Signs of Heat Stroke Drooling Excessive panting Red gums Increased heart rate Vomiting Weakness Seizures (severe heat stroke) What To Do Get your cat to a cool and shaded area Provide cool drinking water Help your … [Read more...]

Fall pet safety tips

(from ASPCA Pet Health Insurance Paw Prints Blog) Antifreeze and pets don’t mix. Your pet may be inclined to lick up this sweet tasting, but toxic chemical. Check the ground for spills after you use antifreeze, and store it safely out of reach. Use rodenticides carefully. Rodenticides lure mice and rats, but they can also attract your pet. Read directions carefully and take precautions to keep your pet safe from these chemicals. Candy is a … [Read more...]

Tips for Fourth of July Cat Safety

With so many animals going missing or ending up at shelters around the 4th of July, please follow these tips to keep all your pets safe: If your pet has a fear of or aversion to loud noises: Something as simple as turning on some soft music and moving your pet into an interior room with no windows can be helpful. An anxiety vest may work in some cases—if you don’t have one, try a snugly fitting t-shirt.  If you and your veterinarian do … [Read more...]

Outdoor Cat Tips

If you have feral cats you've been feeding, or a stray cat that's adopted you, these tips will be helpful to keep your outdoor cats warm in winter. Even though the Ventura County winters are a lot milder than other parts of the state and country, in the winter temperatures can get low enough that you'll want to do a few easy things to keep your outdoor cats safe from the cold. Shelter Me Inc. - How to care for outdoor cats and barn cats (set-ups … [Read more...]

Finding Newly Adopted and Indoor-Only Cats

The Good News Is: Your Cat is probably Not "Lost", Your Cat is Hiding! If your newly adopted or indoor-only cat has escaped outside - your cat is probably not lost at all. Your cat is most likely hiding close by. Depending on the terrain, your cat is probably closer than you think. That's because cats are territorial and your cat's territory is inside your home (or their previous home). Once a cat is thrust into unfamiliar territory, most cats … [Read more...]

More Tips for Finding a Lost Cat

Search Immediately An indoor only cat is almost certainly very close at hand. Look in, behind and under any place the cat may be hiding, starting right from the exit point -- in dense plantings, under a porch, house crawl space, storm drains. (A cat can crawl through an incredibly small slot when it needs to.) And don't neglect to look up, even if the cat has been declawed. When an outdoor-access cat disappears When an outdoor-access cat … [Read more...]

The Support Ventura County Animal Shelters Project is a project to both raise money to donate, and increase donations directly to Ventura County Animal Shelters. (* this project is not affiliated in any way with Santa Paula Animal Rescue Center, Humane Society of Ventura County, or Ventura County Animal Services *) With each 805 Strong item purchased (nifty swag including shirts for dogs and humans of all sizes, as well as mugs, water bottles, tote bags, and more) $5 … [Read more...]

Disaster Preparedness & Recovery Resources

The best way to keep your entire family safe - humans, felines, and all your other animal family members - when there is an emergency, is to have a good plan in place. Always follow this basic safety rule: If you are told to evacuate, leave immediately and take your animals. If it's not safe for you, it's not safe for them. The ASPCA provides disaster preparedness tips here … [Read more...]

Thank You For Your Help

Thank you to the following businesses, organizations, & animal lovers for helping spread the word about this website! Meows of happiness for your help The following display a flyer holder with business cards for their customers to take: Ventura County Animal Services (both Simi & Camarillo locations) Port Hueneme City Hall The following have business cards for … [Read more...]

Tips For Finding A Lost Cat

Remember: the odds are in favor of you finding your lost cat; and the faster you move, the better those odd get. Here are some ideas to get your search started: 1. Make fliers with your pet’s picture, a brief description and your phone number. Make sure there is an answering machine or voicemail that will take messages if you can’t pick up a call at that number. 2. Go to all the local shelters, including Ventura County Animal Services & … [Read more...]