LOST White Cat
- Listing ID: 31550
- Your Cat's Name: MAIYA
- Sex: Female
- Age: Adult
- Weight: 10
- Breed: Birman/Persian/Ragdoll
- Color(s): White with a little beige
- Eye Color: Dark blue
- Describe Collar & Tags if any: No collar or tags
- Other Distinguishing Features or Notes: White long hair with white feet and a little beige. Very dark blue eyes. She shy and quiet at first, then she is very vocal. Loving, affectionate and smart. She has an identification chip.
- City Where Your Cat Was Lost: Ventura
- When Was Cat Lost (the date your cat went missing): 12/07/2019
- Your Name: Elle
- Daytime Phone: 319-533-4852
- Address: 285 North Ventura Ave
- Email Address: westphalelle@gmail.com