Youngster, not sure of sex
Sweet cat, young, friendly, and hungry. I’m not sure if it’s a male or female. Likes to be petted. Good cat for a kid. I can’t keep her. I only feed her/him outdoors. I have an adopted stray. I cannot handle another. I will give you a case of food, I’ll give the cat to someone who wants it and will take care of it. You couldn’t ask for a better cat.
- Listing ID: 32353
- Sex: Female
- Age: about 1 year
- Height: small
- Weight: maybe 8 lbs
- Breed: striped tiger
- Color(s): grey/black.
- Eye Color: green?
- Describe Collar & Tags if any: none
- Other Distinguishing Features or Notes: dark stripe down back
- Where Was Cat Found (nearest intersection): Robert Ave. and C Street
- City Where Cat Was Found: Oxnard
- When Was Cat Found (the date you found the cat): early August
- Your Name: Steven
- Daytime Phone: 805 988 4039