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I love Storm so much. He is a hardcore outdoor cat; he usually will not come inside. He is about two years old, and he is very evasive. With me, he is very affectionate. It took a few months for him to trust me. Now, he would come to the door every sunset and want me to pet him for an hour or two. For such a wild cat, he is a real sweetie. I love him so much and hope he returns soon!

Larger size, short hair, coarse, not too soft. White with large dark gray patches on chin, back and tail. White belly, feet and legs. Rounded head. Green eyes. Pink nose. Neutered, just doesn’t look like it. He is super sweet, but very timid. He’s incapable of harming a fly. You can grab him with no problem or scratching, but he may get scared and try to escape. Very strong.

Please get your beautiful kitty who misses you very much! She was starving and just ate and ate! I spent months getting her to trust me enough to get her to stay with us. She is brave and healthy, but it is too dangerous where I live to keep her safe! It’s taking all my energy!! I love her so much and I can tell someone loved her very much!! Please tell me about her markings and you can come get her!!

Shadow is our beloved cat last seen in Meridian Hills neighborhood of Moorpark. He is a thin, sleek black cat who is being treated for lymphoma for the past 10 months. He still had a lot of energy as of the night before he went missing. He is currently on a chemo pill every two weeks, plus needs a daily dose of prednisone and omeprazole. He was well known in the neighborhood, as he liked to accompany our dogs on walks. Last seen Sept. 27 in the early morning. He has a chip, number 981020021904388

$$$REWARD$$$ Long Haired Gray and White Cat Missing Last Seen 07/28/2023 Fillmore, CA 93015 Apste5@duck.com 805-758-1312 Please call or text with any information, anytime. Micro-chipped! Mockingbird Lane, Oriole, First St. C Street Thank you for your help. Please help find Giovanni. Love You Giovanni!

Lost tortie - she loves people but hates all other animals. Didn't return at night the night of 7/15 and hasn't been seen since that morning. She is about 8 lbs, 10 years old, has a tear in her left ear (an old wound), has a slightly shortened tail, and is missing 3 of her canine teeth - only the lower left tooth remains.

Zorro was a stowaway in his Daddy's van and bolted at the destination, The Boys and Girls Club Santa Paula, 3 miles away from home. He has not had any confirmed sightings since. I am sure he is in someone's home as he is human dependent, food driven, and not Shy. Please help I am absolutely broken without my baby.

10-year old female dark Seal-Point Siamese. Dark brown and light brown fur, dark almost black face with bright blue eyes. Black ears. From brown to black tail. Paws are all light blush pink color. Small to medium sized cat. NO collar. Is microchipped. Very quiet, withdrawn, skittish and scared. Can be sweet and only trusts a small number people.

Sweet cat, young, friendly, and hungry. I'm not sure if it's a male or female. Likes to be petted. Good cat for a kid. I can't keep her. I only feed her/him outdoors. I have an adopted stray. I cannot handle another. I will give you a case of food, I'll give the cat to someone who wants it and will take care of it. You couldn't ask for a better cat.

He is a real sweet cat, but he is also so scared right now. We moved out and were getting used to the place that we got temporarily, and he got out of the window, so he doesn't know the location, he could be hiding somewhere close or trying to get back to our old place, but that is in Ojai. He has larger paws due to his extra finger on each paw, and also that makes him look bigger. His chest is white up to the belly part where he has an orange spot right on the middle.

louie is only one and a half but has kidney issues where he has to be on special food or he may stop peeing and die within 48 hours. please please if u see him in ur garage that he may have snuck in or see him playing about just get down to the ground and find something to play with him with and catch him and return him to me my heart is missing my louie

Louie has been gone since Saturday morning July 31 and he likes to hide in garages and sleep! He was last seen at home on Santa Rosa Street, if his collar is still on its turquoise with a reflective strip on it with name tag and he is very friendly ... he need special food for a kidney issue so i need back home!

REWARD!! Small Grey Tabby. Neutered male. 10 year old, but looks like a young cat since he's so small! Might have collar on with his name and number embroidered on it, but he has slipped it before since it's a breakaway. Microchipped. Usually very people friendly but he might be scared and not showing his usual personality. Please help us find him! We love him so much and miss him! Thank you!

Gray and White medium hair. BUSHY tail. Very affectionate. This beautiful kitty belongs to someone...but he can't find his way home. He got out and now he is lost. Juno is very friendly and just loves to get attention. So if you thought he was lost and you would give it a good home...it already has one. The family is absolutely heartbroken over losing their baby. Please help.

Very sweet, but because she had been abandoned by prior owner, she's nervous around strangers. She has been an important part of my ever day life. She and I share a special bond. I miss her terribly. I am praying for miracles. All I know is the last time I saw her was around 2 pm Wednesday 1/6/21 and when I went out to give her dinner, she never came and I haven't seen her..yet<3

I promised my mother while she was dying that I would take care of Tigger, and now he is missing. I am heartbroken and hoping for a miracle. Tigger is new to the midtown Ventura neighborhood and may be freaked out and hiding in a shed, garage or other enclosed space. He is wearing a black collar with rhinestones, a small bell and a metal ID tag engraved with "TIGGER" on one side. The other side is engraved with the landline phone number of his former owner, who died recently. (We have access to voicemails left at that number but there may be a delay.) Tigger was an indoor/outdoor cat at his previous home, where he enjoyed days spent sleeping in the sun in the garden. We were trying to get him to be more of an indoor cat with supervised outdoor time, but he slipped out of the gate during a moment of distraction. Tigger has two kinds of meows: One where he looks you straight in the eye and opens his mouth but nothing comes out, and another where he walks around with a very loud, throaty and insistent yowl. When you pet him, you will feel a very small bump/growth on his shoulder blade. PLEASE, if you have any information about his whereabouts, let us know. Thank you.

This is Piri, she is a community cat from a far location and managed to escape from a shed where she was being held prior to a surgery. She is originally from Oxnard, close to Port Hueneme. Piri has black and gray striped fur, white chest hair, white paws, and very green eyes. She is a small cat around 8 pounds and is 6 years old. She is so important to me and my family and this is tearing our hearts and we would like to find her and bring her back home. If you see her, or if she is visiting your backyard often, please contact at (805) 816-6229 do not try to grab on your own. She is tough to trap so any information will be helpful. Last seen on 495 Corsicana Drive Oxnard. Esta es Piri, es una gata de la comunidad de un lugar lejano y logró escapar de un cobertizo donde estaba detenida antes de una cirugía. Ella es originaria de Oxnard, cerca de Port Hueneme. Piri tiene pelaje rayado negro y gris, pelo blanco en el pecho, patas blancas y ojos muy verdes. Ella es una gata pequeña de alrededor de 8 libras y tiene 6 años. Ella es tan importante para mí y para mi familia y esto nos rompe el corazón y nos gustaría encontrarla y traerla de regreso a casa. Si la ve, o si visita su patio trasero con frecuencia, comuníquese con el (805) 816-6229, no intente agarrarla por su cuenta. Ella es dificil para atrapar, por lo que cualquier información será útil. Ultima vez visto 485 Corsicana Drive Oxnard.

Baker is a fluffy orange cat with white chest and paws, greenish-gold eyes and black markings on his nose and mouth. He is very friendly and likes to greet passersby and sometimes follow them on their walks. He is not afraid of most dogs on leash. Baker was last seen Monday 10/19/20 at about 8 pm, he went out but never returned home. He was last spotted on the corner of Marmota and Ramelli. He is a big part of our family and we miss him!!! He will come when called or can be lured with treats.

Carly is a two year old medium hair female with black fur and no markings aside from a few grey hairs. She was last seen at our home in Casitas Springs at the intersection of highway 33 and Parkview Drive. She isn't wearing a collar. She was last seen on Friday, October 9th. She has never been gone for more than 36 hours before so we are quite worried. Please call or text 805-798-5347 if you think you may have seen her. Thank you!

We live in Harbor lights neighborhood in Port Hueneme and our back fence backs up to a backyard located at or near 421 los Palomas. We were able to locate him and he tried to jump back over into our backyard but didn’t make the jump and fell back down and took off running Towards the blue ghetto/Marborough homes. he is extremely food motivated so if you happen to see him and you offer him treats or even say the word treats he will come right up to you. He HAS A SPECIAL DIET & will become very ill or even fatal if not followed . If you can get him anywhere near you with food… You’ll be able to pick him up. Please do so and I will pick them up as soon as I hear from you. Attached is a picture of him… He has never been away from home except one other time when he walked out the front door for five minutes and came back terrified shaking. One of his ears is bent, and he is not wearing a collar. My number is 8183832978 please call if you see him.

Male black cat , his name is Marley he is altered , he does have a chip but wasn’t registered , medium size , my son and all of us miss him! He went missing sometime between Monday late night to early Tuesday morning when it was raining , we are in the track behind Vons in OJAI ! If found please contact !

Pepa was last seen on May 9 around 10:30pm on clavel ave and Azahar street in Saticoy Ca. Pepa usually stayed on this block and would go to the houses on the block. Pepa never came home that night. I really just want my baby to come back home. I miss her so much. If anyone has seen her please help her get back home!

I know this is a cat lost page but we were told to post on here even if he is a bird. Lindo is a young not even 1 yr old. He is grey with red tail friendly bird. He might be a bit defensive/aggressive due to being out for a couple of days. We've lost him since 03/04/2020. If u see him please give us a call .🙏

Hello, We reaching out to the community in hopes that someone has found our family cat. Our cat is a little over a year old. She is a black female domestic short hair. She has practically lived indoors all her life. She is very shy and can easily be scared. She was last seen around the mobile home park of Hillview Estates in Santa Paula. This is a picture of our precious baby girl. I would appreciate any assistance you can provide in sharing this information with others. We are willing to give a $100 reward if found. You can best reach me at: Sandra Torres 805.908.1400 sandratorresh@gmail.com Thank You!

He is approximately 8 lbs, all black with white whiskers and yellow eyes. His tail was broken, right ear tipped, left ear torn. Capt. Jack's demeanor is passive/reserved, not overtly friendly but not threatening. He has a heart of gold and I deeply love and miss him, even though he doesn't look like someone's pet. He is very much so. Please, please if seen, call him by name and just show him in where it's safe, warm and dry until I can pick him up.

She is 2ish years old, tan/black/gray mix, and small- about 8 lbs. She managed to slip out the front door on Thursday October 17th at the Villa Camarillo Apartments on the corner of Lantana and Paseo Camarillo. Unfortunately she wasn’t wearing her collar at the time she got out but she is microchipped. She has been sick so we really need to find her because she is not going to do well outside on her own for long.

Hey everyone. My cat Olivia is missing. She was last seen on October 7th on W Santa Barbara St in Santa Paula, CA. If seen do not approach and contact me immediately. She is weary of other animals. She is the love of my life and my heart is breaking every moment she’s gone. Please look out for her. If send and possible, please leave out food/water for her(at a distance)

Please help. My cat, Max, got out of the house and we haven't seen him since Tuesday night 8/6/19 at 11:00 PM. Max was last seen in the Crossroads neighborhood off of Cochran St. just West of Stearns St. He is grey with medium length hair. He has a notch at the top of his left ear. If you have seen him, please message or call me at 818-425-5854. Max has a collar with a tag, and he is chipped.

Lost my little guy, Coco. He was last seen by Eden/Sierra Place on Tuesday 4/23/19 around 7pm. He's a 2 year old white with light orange, flame point siamese.He tilts his head due to a severe infection in his ear as a kitten and now has a slight balancing issues n Needs his medication. Please help me find him and bring him home. If you think you saw him please call 805.758.0340 Thank you.

GiGi is an indoor cat. She got out on the patio sometime on Tuesday without my knowledge. She is a scaredy cat of unfamiliar or loud noises and even wind and has never attempted or wanted to leave the patio before. She’s a super lovable cat that acts more like a dog when it comes to her desire to be around people. PLEASE HELP US FIND HER. She is such an important part of our family... our hearts ache and we want her back home.

Our sweet boy is an indoor-outdoor cat and he has been missing for almost 2 weeks now. We have been physically searching the immediate and nearby neighborhoods as often as possible and tried doing basically everything that we have been advised to do including putting up flyers, leaving leaflets under doormats, posting on any and all sites we can think of (Craigslist, Nextdoor, Facebook, etc.), and notifying the local vets/shelters, but still no luck so far. I'm hoping if we continue to get the word out and get as many eyes as possible around town watching for him, then we can bring him home safely someday. Please help us!

Chloe is a very beautiful medium hair dilute calico. She is 4 years old and is a very cautious kitty. She is mostly white on her chest, paws and face up to her eyes area and partial white above her nose area. If you see her PLEASE PLEASE contact me at any time. I will gladly provide a reward for her safe return. We miss her greatly and her sister Lexie misses her a lot.

Helped a friend move down from washington and while away, our cat left and has yet to come back. She goes in and out of the house but has never gone far, she would come back multiple times a day and it's now been 4 to 5 days since anyone's seen her, she's never stayed away longer than a day and I'm very worried but I've checked all shelters and she hasn't been picked up. She's a little skittish with new people so I feel like she would be hard to catch but very sweet when she warms up to you. Just hoping someone sees her.